Home Peppy When Media Proved Its 3Ds – Dedication, Devotion and Diligent

When Media Proved Its 3Ds – Dedication, Devotion and Diligent

7 min read

Media – known as the fourth and an important pillar of democracy which came into existence around the 1780s with the introduction of newspapers and since then it has been matured by leaps and bounds.  It plays a crucial role in shaping a healthy democracy as a backbone. It’s like a mirror to show you as to what is happening around you especially the bare truth and harsh realities. It is also working as a gentleman reminder from time to time not to do the wrongs.

Writer Mehtam Packer Azmi’s couplet – Ghal Jalane Ki Sajish Hawaon Ki Thi, Aur Akhbar Mein, Shap Gya Hadsa – Conspiracy to put house on fire was of winds, published in newspapers was an  accident –  has put a big question mark on the working of the media that putting the house on fire were different and newspapers presented it as an incident.

These are the common allegations on the media because of the fact that for the last so many years, the dependable ability of media has become suspicious.  The common man feels that anything and in any way, can be got published with a deal of money.  This is the reason that the media, among the four pillars of democracy – Legislature, Executive, Judiciary and the Press is being viewed with suspicious nature in the court of public because of its downing of its credibility.  The pen, in other words, the ideas are on sale, words are becoming short and rather, tailored made news have started appearing.

It is an admitted fact that during the Dera Sirsa rape case coverage by all media houses – print, electronic and online have gained in its reliability, integrity and trustworthiness.  In this particular case, two pillars of democracy – Judiciary and Press have not only gained respect in the minds of people rather ignited the ray of hope that still the eye of a camera could only see the truth and report too has the courage to write what he sees.

By daring to publish the anonymous letter of rape victim Sadhivi by Chhatarpari journalist of Sirsa have honoured the ethics of journalism rather he has contributed in the fight for justice by sacrificing his life.

What outrage, devastation has happened after August 25, 2017 in Panchkula, media too had not been unquenchable.  Everyone has seen the loyalist of Dera Chief have first of all attacked the media persons and crores of persons viewed the incident of damaging of OB – outdoor broadcasting vans, while sitting at home in front of the televisions and all this happened before the Haryana police.  Not only this, later on the anti-social elements have attacked number of reporters of both the states – Punjab and Haryana, damaged their equipments and injured them.

Praiseworthy factor is that media persons despite all these attack, were not seen shaken rather performed their duties with dedication, devotion and diligently and were successful in presenting an example of impartial reporting continuously day and night for three days without bothering for their health and themselves.  They were seen reporting from one place to another place going nearer to the firing and fire incidents.  It was also a day of learning for the new comers in journalism as to how to face the daring challenges in reporting.  During these days the reporters have performed their duty honestly and role of media needs to be appreciated.

Frankly speaking, the present media revolution has helped people to form their decisions and this had led to beginning of a new era in democracy especially with the introduction of social media through electronic media and online web news portals.

I end with this couplet – Sare Ke Sare, Aaj To Akhbar Bik Gaye, Kalmo Ne Sachh Likha, Jo Basti Mein Hua – All newspapers were sold, when the pen wrote what has happened which they had seen.  In three days report during Dera Chief rape case, media proved its 3Ds – dedication, devotion and diligent.

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