Home Lifestyle Health 6 Steps to Make Your City Park Clean and Beautiful

6 Steps to Make Your City Park Clean and Beautiful

9 min read
City Parks In The United States

A city park is an awesome location where you can enjoy the outdoors. It is also a fantastic way to spend quality time with family and friends. Sadly, there is a negative impact when there are people who cannot maintain the cleanliness and safety of the park. It makes it less enjoyable and eventually, people will stop spending time in their community parks. This could further lead the community to stop caring for it.

To prevent this from happening, here are some steps that will greatly help in keeping the park beautiful and enjoyable for everyone.

Step 1: Use Trash and Recycling Containers

Trash bin

One of the most effective ways to maintain a city park is to provide trash and recycling containers. There must be several available all throughout the place. This is to avoid tempting people to leave their trash everywhere. Seeing a trash or recycling container nearby encourages them to throw their trash properly.

More containers must be placed in areas where people will most likely to throw trash, such as food stands or concession stands. There must also be trash bins where programs or events will take place.

Step 2: Carry Out Fines

When you already have trash containers in the park, it’s time to put signs where they are easily visible. This is to remind people to throw their trash in the proper bins. You can post signs like “Please Observe Cleanliness,” “Please Throw Your Garbage Properly,” and “Please Help Maintain the Cleanliness of our Park.”

These signs will also serve as gentle reminders that littering in the community park disobeys the law. This means if people do choose to litter, they will be fined. So they’ll consider this seriously, work with law enforcement to ensure this is implemented.

Step 3: Maintain Proper Staffing

The next step to have a clean and attractive city park is to maintain proper staffing. Although this heavily depends on the budget, you can work your way around this. Schedule a regular cleaning and attending to the trees and plants. This is to make sure that the park remains enjoyable and safe for the people.

Apart from emptying the trash containers, the staff must ensure that there is no other trash scattered on the park. Keep in mind that even though you have trash bins and signs posted, there are still people who are not responsible enough to follow rules.

Step 4: Have the Proper Equipment and Tools

Garden Tools

Aside from proper staffing, you also need the right equipment and tools to maintain the city park properly. Trees and plants need extra care so they stay healthy and beautiful. For instance, you’ll need an electric pole saw to trim areas that are hard to reach, such as the leaves on trees.

Another great example is a wood chipper machine. Maintaining trees involve cutting rotten branches and limbs. Chipping them into small pieces is an effective way of disposing of them. You can even feed leaves into the chipper. Mixing green and dry leaves make mulch, which is an excellent fertilizer for plants. Although this type of gardening equipment is useful, it’s a bit pricey. So it’s better to find a reliable wood chipper manufacturer as its efficiency will soon pay off.

There is other useful gardening equipment you can invest in, you just need to determine your needs and the maintenance of the park needs.

Step 5: Let the Community Participate

Letting the community participate, is an excellent way to maintain your city park and get the people to bond with each other. Reach out to volunteers if they are willing to clean the park from time to time. Organizing a “maintenance and beautification event” is an effective way to encourage people to get involved. Moreover, hosting a contest, such as giving away prizes to the group with the most trash collected, will surely get people to participate in cleaning the city park.

Step 6: Ban Smoking and Alcohol

Ban smoking

A serious problem many community parks struggle with is the use of alcohol and cigarettes. Most people who smoke just tend to throw the butts anywhere. People who drink alcohol also forget to clean up after they are done. Also, drinking alcohol on the premises could be a threat to other people in the park. To prevent this problem, it’s best to prohibit smoking and alcohol drinks in the park.

If it’s difficult to make the park free from cigarettes and alcoholic drinks, then it could be helpful to assign a certain area where people can smoke and drink. Don’t forget to put many trash containers and signs to control trash as much as possible.


While there are still other ways to maintain a green park, these six steps will help you significantly in keeping the city park beautiful and orderly. Always keep in mind that a city park offers a lot of opportunities for the community. Some of these are using it as a venue for recreational activities and holding important events, such as local holidays, anniversaries, and birthdays. A beautiful park not only provides a place for enjoyment but more opportunities for the community.

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