No One Can Stop An Adult Girl From Choosing To Live Freely: SCThere are many social and parental pressures on the way that a girl should live her life in India. Parents and society has always had an authority on the way that a girl decides to live in the country. There are always some or the other type of restrictions on her about how she should dress, who she should marry, …Read More
Parental Guide To Giving Your Kid The First SmartphoneWhen it comes to the first moments of the children, parents usually just remember the ones that happened early on in their lives, like the first steps, or the first words. Parents do not usually keep track of other firsts like the first smartphone that they buy for their kids, which it turns out plays an important role in today’s …Read More
Avoid Antibiotics For Kids; Opt For Home Remedies InsteadParents are very cautious when it comes to the health of their children. At the first signs of a sneeze, a cough, or a fever, they rush to medicate their children with antibiotics because we have often been told that they help in such cases. However, in light of an open letter by a dietitian in Chandigarh, parents are realising …Read More
7 Ways A Woman Unloved In Her Childhood Struggles In AdulthoodEvery psychologist believes that the way a child is treated in their early ages reflects upon their lives when they grow up to be adults. The atmosphere of the home is a big factor when it comes to the path that children take when they grow up. Every one handles their adult lives in a different way and how they …Read More