Home Lifestyle Health 7 Ways A Woman Unloved In Her Childhood Struggles In Adulthood

7 Ways A Woman Unloved In Her Childhood Struggles In Adulthood

9 min read
unloved Childhood

Every psychologist believes that the way a child is treated in their early ages reflects upon their lives when they grow up to be adults. The atmosphere of the home is a big factor when it comes to the path that children take when they grow up. Every one handles their adult lives in a different way and how they are raised plays a big role in that. Parents are the key source of love in the lives of infants and children and right from an early age, they get affected by the different situations that they observe. Women are affected a tad bit more adversely than men as they are able to connect to different situations and are sensitive to everything that happens around them. A woman is more empathetic to her surroundings than a man.

Unloved Childhood leads to Unloved Woman

Memories of the past shape our behavior to the situations in the future. If a child is brought up in a happy home with lots of love from everyone, he or she is more prone to caring for others as he or she grows up. On the other hand, a child that grows up in a bitter environment has issues with trusting people and sees the world through a fog of mistrust and indifference. Here are seven different ways in which women who are unloved in their childhood struggle in their adult lives:

1. They mistake surface level affection for true love.

Consider a girl who has been constantly ignored in her childhood and has seen her parents fighting constantly. That girl does not know what it feels like to be loves. So in her adulthood, she mistakes any little affection that she receives from anyone as a sign of true love. She begins to fill that void in her heart with the little affection that she can receive from any place possible.

2. Constant guilt and need to seek approval

When someone is made to feel like a burden right in their childhood, they start to believe that they are actually a burden to everyone in their lives through no fault of their own. Little things that parents complain about like asking their child to be grateful to have a roof over their head and food on their plate starts to stick to the mind of the child and every time someone does something for her in her later life, she begins to feel guilty and starts to question if she is asking too much. Any child who is unloved in their early years will feel a constant need to seek approval from those around them and they struggle to achieve happy relationships in their adult lives.

3. The world begins to feel like a dangerous place

When a child has seen constant hate in her childhood, she begins to question what in the world is safe. The basic sense of security in anyone develops in their childhood when their parents make the home a safe environment for the child. If that is lacking in their lives, a child begins to doubt everyone and does not know who to trust in their lives.

4. There is a general lack of the sense of boundaries

A child who is denied love in their childhood will try to overcompensate by showing an abundance of affection and love to their offsprings in their adult lives. While the intention behind the sentiment is not wrong, the sense of boundaries and personal space gets lost in their mind.

5. There is a constant doubt whether people actually love them

When a girl is unloved in her early years, when she grows up to be a woman, she begins to wonder if she is actually deserving of love in her life. She accepts the toxic and hateful relationships that her parents had as normal and replicate this feeling with her children and the cycle goes on till there is a break in it.

6. There is a constant conflict to ‘let anyone in’

The basic trust level in a girl is not maintained by her parents which, when she grows into a woman, grows into a constant fear of getting hurt so she refuses to let anyone in on her trust. The little girl in that woman has seen her parents act as different individuals in her family rather than acting as a unit and she starts to believe that being alone is the only way to not get hurt.

7. There is a general sense of low self-esteem

A girl who has felt during her whole childhood as if her every move is scrutinized, criticized and judged, develops a low self-esteem for herself when she grows into a woman. She starts to feel like that nothing she will ever do will be good enough for the people around her and she constantly tries to overexert and overachieve and eventually reaches a state of mental unhealthiness which leads to other addictions in her life.

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