What Are The Benefits Of Massage Therapy In Preventing Or Treating Disease?A massage therapy – have tried it? Well, if you have been going for it then you know just how beneficial it is. If you have not, trust me you are missing on something very important. But what is a massage in the first place? Well, it is a simple art to rubbing and kneading some body parts by means …Read More
Breast Cancer Death Rate Toll Falls Down By 40%According to a study conducted by the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in American women, lung cancer being the first. Reports from the study suggest that one in every eight women is likely to have chances of getting breast cancer and more than 40,000 women in the United States of America will …Read More
Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign Gains Momentum On TwitterAvon India is one of the leading brands in India when it comes to beauty products and skin treatments. Recently, it has taken up the cause of spreading awareness for breast cancer and other diseases that affect the human body. The campaign is launched under the name ‘PayAttention’ and has already begun gaining momentum among celebrities and public. The women’s …Read More