Home Peppy 10 Funniest Mom Bloggers That You Should Follow

10 Funniest Mom Bloggers That You Should Follow

10 min read
mom bloggers

We all love funny things on the internet. It could be a funny cat video or a baby doing strange things. Internet is something that could keep us up all night while we look at memes and read sarcastic blog posts. There are many mom bloggers who, in their free time, keep posting funny stuff on the internet that make our stomachs hurt. These mom bloggers are hysterically funny and their parenting memes are something that many of us can relate to very much. There are some of these mom bloggers that you should follow at the moment’s notice for hilarious content.

1. Dena Blizzard of One Funny Mother

Blizzard made the headlines of social media a few years ago when she made a parody video Pokemon Go, called Chardonnay Go. She did not stop there. Last year, she went viral again when she made another hilarious rant in Target about teacher appreciation.

2. Nicole Nelson McLaughlin, from @MyRecipes

McLaughlin is effortlessly hysterical in her “Mom Vs. (insert recipe here)” videos from the Well Done Food Facebook page and Instagram channel. Her blunt, dry humor makes her incredibly enjoyable to watch, and best of all, she says what everyone’s thinking!

3. Amber Dusick, author of “Parenting: Illustrated with Crappy Pictures”

Food. It’s what you are supposed to eat.

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Amber Dusick creates cartoons on her page which are quite simple but very true at the same time. Her cartoons will have you holding back laughter at your desk. And her book would make the perfect coffee table addition; that is, until your kids spill grape juice on it.

4. Joanna McClanahan of “Ramblin’ Mama”

Lol forever. (Twitter/ArfMeasures)

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Joanna McClanahan posts memes that will have you laughing for days. Her memes are something that you can easily relate to and what’s more is that she is also a staffer at one of our favorite mommy sites, Scary Mommy.

5. Raquel D’Apice of “The Ugly Volvo”

Pretty much every funny mom thought or qualm you’ve ever had, D’Apice has had too, hence her book, “Welcome to the Club: 100 Parenting Milestones You Never Saw Coming.” But you don’t have to read the entire book. Check out her blog for short snippets of funny #momlife stories.

6. Susan McLean of “No Domestic Diva”

McClean’s a longtime blogger with a plethora of blog posts that pretty much run the gamut. One of my personal favorites is 15 Things That My Friends Without Kids Are Thinking When They Visit My House.

7. Lisa Page Rosenburg of “Smacksy”

If you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall in someone else’s house to see how other families operate, this is your shot. Rosenburg invites readers into a behind-the-scene peek of her family’s day-to-day experiences. And her stories do not disappoint.

8. Beth Woolsey’s “5 Kids is a lot of Kids”

Woolsey’s self aware humor always makes for a fun read. Whether she’s joking about how her husband needs to realize her plans are “the best ever” or remembering that time her kid wanted to read EVERY recipe from the pressure cooker book, her blog’s always a delight.

9.  Elle, Meg and Brooke of “What’s up Moms”

If you haven’t seen videos from the What’s Up Mom channel yet, you need to change that RIGHT NOW. These three women’s parody videos will have you gasping for air because you’re laughing so hard. No joke. But they also have fun DIY craft videos and healthy, kid-friendly recipes, too! They’re basically you’re one-stop shop for entertainment when you’re at home with the kids for a day.

10. Tianne of “Tianne and Heaven King”

Merry Christmas 🎄 😘😘😘😘

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This mom-daughter duo is gushingly cute. They film a variety of videos together, including adorable dance tutorials and shopping. But Heaven, the daughter, also has an Ellen Degeneres-like talk show where she discusses issues of the day to a live audience of similarly aged children.

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