Time Is Not A Drug But A Great HealerThe moment time comes to your mind, the first image you made your mind is a clock which is an instrument that measures and show time. For millennia, humans have been measuring time in various ways, some including tracking the movement of the sun with sundials, the use of water clocks, candle clocks and hourglasses. However, our modern-day system of …Read More
Your Time Starts Now!Peter F.Drucker very rightly quoted in his golden words ‘Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else’. In other words, he was too mean that time management is only the life management. If you take care of the seconds, the minutes and the hours will automatically take care of themselves. Your time starts now says, Abhitabh Bachchan, when …Read More
How Much Time Does An Average Person Spend On Facebook And WhatsApp?We live online, we breathe online. Internet has become an integral part of our lives. We are addicted to social media. Right after we wake up, to the time we sleep, we use our phones. It is noted that teens spend the most time on social media, close to 9 hours a day. 30% of all time spent online is …Read More