5 Reasons Behind Steady Growth of Tata Consumer ProductsThe history of Tata Consumer Products dates back to 1962 when it was formed as Tata Finlay through an alliance with James Finlay. However, as the years passed, the company, through its product expansion, became a household name in India. The company’s Tata Salt pioneered the iodized salt movement in India in 1989 to combat iodine deficiency. Similarly, Tata Tea …Read More
Swachh Bharat Was The Dream Of Mahatma Gandhi: TataRatan Tata believes that if malnutrition is reduced and is considered profit, then initiatives to improve nutrition increases the revenue and improvement in sanitation is considered cost reduction. According to Tata, a business model is most successful when the revenues increase and the costs decrease. This would mean that improvement in nutrition and sanitation would reduce malnutrition. It is well-known …Read More