Home Technology 7 Quick Tips to Improve Your Internet Speed

7 Quick Tips to Improve Your Internet Speed

7 min read

How can I boost my Internet download speed?

So, you thought the days of waiting for a page to load on your computer were long gone, huh? Sadly, this is not the case. Many things can contribute to your internet running slower than normal. You may be running into Wi-Fi interference. Or maybe your signal just isn’t that strong. In this day and age of us wanting things now – even faster than now – we don’t have time to wait for the internet to catch up.

The good news is that there are things you can do to speed up your internet. You don’t have to be a computer geek to perfect these tricks either. Whether you work from home or just like to stream movies and music, fast internet speed is important. If you’re tired of waiting for your page to load, these 7 tips should help improve your internet speed.

How can I increase broadband speed?

1. Try Using A Different Router:
You may have picked up a router at the local electronics store based on what the sales clerk told you. If you don’t have a router that is compatible with the internet plan you are using. You can check your internet speed by running a program like SpeedCheck.org. This will give you an idea of your current speed. You can then test out different routers to see which ones improve your internet speed. If you don’t have access to test out different routers, ask an expert which one is most suitable for your internet provider.

2. Scan For Viruses Often:
There are so many different viruses that can make their way onto our devices. Not all viruses cause our computers to shut down. You could have a virus sucking your computer’s energy and not even know it. Run a 
daily virus scan to make sure you don’t have any embedded on your device. This could be the biggest reason why your internet is running slow.

3. Check To See If You Have Too Many Programs Running:
Just because you can run several programs at the same time doesn’t mean you should. If you have too many programs running at the same time, it can interfere with your internet speed. Try not to keep too many tabs open at one time. It drains on your internet speed.

4. Turn Off Other Mobile Devices:
If your computer is near a lot of other devices such as an iPad, Kindle or cell phone, it can encounter signal interference. Make sure you keep these devices far enough away that they can’t slow down your internet. If you want optimal speed, turn these devices off while you’re working on your laptop or computer.

5. Turn Your Modem Off And On Again:
You’d be surprised at how effective this can be for improving your internet speed. You should do this at least once a day. There are a lot of programs running behind the scenes that slow down your load time. Turning the modem off and on will shut these programs down and improve your internet speed.

6. Update Your Modem’s Software:
If you are running off an independent modem, you want to make sure you update it every now and then. You should have instructions on how to log into your software and run an update scan. If you are unsure how to do this, contact customer service. They should be able to walk you through it.

7. Ask Your Provider To Run A Line Test:
If you’ve tried everything else and your internet is still running slow, call and ask your provider to run a line test. They can tell you in real time whether there is a problem with your signal. Usually, they can reset it or diagnose it within a few minutes. This is the last resort, but it may be just what you need to increase your internet speed.

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