Home Lifestyle Health 7 Step-by-Step Pranayama (Breathing Exercise) For Beginners

7 Step-by-Step Pranayama (Breathing Exercise) For Beginners

8 min read

Prana is the core energy that keeps our physical and spiritual self-alive. It nurtures our physical and subtle layers and provide us the force to grow healthily and ensures overall wellness. It flows freely in the body through Nadis, several subtle energy channels that are spread evenly across the human body.

The Prana energy is maintained by Chakras – the energy centers of the body. The efficiency and quality of the Prana that flows through the Nadis and the Chakras determine the wellness of one’s mind and body.

Prana or the life force is what supports a healthy development of our physical, mental, and cognitive power and hence must be protected and nurtured efficiently. Pranayama Yoga is an ancient yogic practice of nurturing the prana. Prana stands for universal life force and Ayama means to regulate or lengthen. Combined, they mean working in the dimension of Prana.

Pranayama( Breathing Exercise) For Beginners

Breathing exercises, when performed in a predetermined manner, offer great calm, energy, and relief to the body. In the ancient Yoga scriptures, Pranayama Yoga has been recommended as an essential exercise routine for everyone to maintain a calm, enthusiastic, and positive mind.

Pranayama ensures that there is no blockage in the flow of energy through the nadis and chakras and the practitioner can ward off problems like increased worries, fear, uncertainty, tensions, conflict, and other negative qualities.

Pranayama exercises can be performed at your comfortable time throughout the day. However, you must be on an empty stomach to perform these breathing exercises.

There are 7 different types of pranayama and this step-by-step guide explains them all.

1. Bhramari Pranayama

Also known as ‘Bee Breath’, Bhramari Pranayama is the first pranayama yoga to try as a beginner. When performing this yoga, one produced a humming bee sound or buzzing sound which is easy to start with and offers great calming and relaxing effects. It creates vibrations all across the body which fights off negativity and promotes wellness.

2. Udgeeth Pranayama

The word Om makes the base of this asana. To perform this breathing yoga, one must sit in a comfortable an and chant the word om. The ‘O’ from Om must be stretched as much as you can whereas ‘M’ should be short and crisp. An easy breathing exercise, Udgeethj Pranayama has great benefits for a disturbed mind. It calms your nerves, offers you relief from stress and anxiety, and beats depression and hypertension.

3. Kapal Bhati Pranayama

One of the most popular Pranayama is the Kapal Bhati breathing exercise also known as the skull shining breathing technique. The performer releases their breath in a rapid push which cleanses the mind with a hit. This is why it is named Kapal Bhati, shining the mind. It is a very effective exercise to clear the blocked energy channels and remove toxins.

4. Bhastrika Pranayama

If the energy channels in the nadis are blocked, one can feel low and fatigued. Bhastrika pranayama is an excellent way to shake off fatigue and get a free flow of energy in the nadis and chakras. It is also known as bellow breath which means you roar out loud to let all your negativity leave the body.

5. Nadi Shodhan Pranayama

As the name suggests, this pranayama yoga rectifies the Nadis and creates harmony between both the hemisphere of the brain. Otherwise known as the Alternate Nostril Breathing technique, this yoga promotes calm, boosts focusing power, and relaxes the mind.

6. Simha Pranayama

Translated as Lion’s breath in English, this pranayama yoga promotes the flow of positive energy in the body. It activates the throat chakra and also improves blood circulation in the body.

7. Dirgha Pranayama

The three-part breath is a complete breathing exercise for the mind and body. It allows a great inflow of oxygen in the body which promotes cell function and the natural healing ability of the body. One must inhale with the fullest lung capacity to perform this yoga and then exhale slowly. this yoga calms the mind, relaxes the body, and offers long-lasting positive effects on physical and mental health.

Finally, natural breathing is also recommended under Pranayama Yoga. Every breath we take influences the Prana and with regular practice, one can control and nurture the prana energy. Get started with your pranayama routine today. Hope this guide to Pranayama will prove helpful to you.

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