SoftwareTechnology3 Easy Web Design TipsBy pepnewz Posted on April 15, 20216 min read002,146Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Share on LinkedinWhether you are new or an expert when it comes to web designs, there are still lots of things that you’d love to learn more about this project. This article would definitely give you manageable tips on how to start your web design game. Stay tuned and you’ll surely enjoy learning more!PRO TIP: When it comes to WordPress development, choose systMD LLC! They are truly the best and if you don’t want to design a site on your own, they’ll do a great job.1. Limit Your FontsThe easiest way to make your site or content look professional is to practice cohesion. Select 1-3 fonts, no more (and absolutely never even consider using a font like WingDings)! I prefer to use one font for my body content and one for my headings. I also like to keep them in the same family. For example, I often use Arial Narrow as my go-to and pair it with Arial Narrow Bold for titles and section headings. With text, you must watch your sizing as well. All titles should be one size, while headings are consistently just a bit smaller. Body text should always stay the same size throughout. 2. Be Selective With ColorIt can be tempting to paint a rainbow on a webpage, but it’s definitely not a best practice. For successful web design, you need to craft and apply a color scheme. The easiest way to do this is by pulling a color or colors out of your logo or other branding. If your brand uses primarily pastel pink and baby blue, you should be using pastel pink and baby blue for your call-to-action buttons, dividers, headers, and other site accents. Just remember one thing… selective. A color is a powerful tool for drawing eyes to the most important content – so place it strategically.3. User ExperienceThink about what you like when you’re browsing the web, and what makes you click out of a site as fast as possible. If your target audience can’t use your site, it can’t be a good promotional space that accelerates goal achievement. There are so many ways to make or break user experience (which you should absolutely continue to research after finishing this article) – so let’s explore just a few. “Above the Fold” is a concept that explores the user behavior of abandoning a site if what they want is not immediately available, without any scrolling. Basically, this means that if it’s what they came for, you should give it to the right and at the top of the page.Your site navigation is also HUGE for users. Keep it simple. I personally love top navigation or a left sidebar, especially when the labels are intuitive. Think about it like this: If I’m shopping for a sundress I am more likely to click on a page on “dresses” than one labeled “summer collection”. Here’s navigation in a nutshell – make it easy, and tell your users exactly what they’re getting.SEO optimization is also important when it comes to user experience. Hire an excellent SEO agency like Bizmap LLC to help you with that!Now You KnowThere is so much to learn about web design, and we have just barely scratched the surface. The most important things to take away from this article are: be selective – in fonts and in colors, and always design for the user. These simple tricks will take you far and serve as a great platform while you build your web design capabilities. I hope these easy web design tips help you craft beautiful and successful web properties!