HealthLifestyle5 Best Teas for Reproductive HealthBy pepnewz Posted on November 3, 20209 min read002,029Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Share on LinkedinDid you know that nourishing your body prior to conception is equally as important as during pregnancy? Well, one of the most straightforward ways to do so is to consume teas that support the balance of hormones and those that optimise reproductive health. While conception and childbirth are admirable, they can be physically and psychologically demanding. Here, we give you a breakdown of teas you should indulge in to keep your reproductive health in check.1. Red Raspberry Leaf TeaTraditionally, raspberry loose leaf tea has for a long time been used as a reproductive tonic. It is loaded with minerals and vitamins, including iron, vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, C and E), selenium, potassium, niacin, magnesium and calcium, all of which play a key role in boosting reproductive health. The leaves are also rich in fragrine, an alkaloid that is excellent at toning uterine and pelvic muscles.Uterine health leaves the body at a lesser chance of miscarriage. The leaves are also known to assist in the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall. Red raspberry leaves have a high concentration of Phyto-progesterone, a substance that increases the levels of the hormone progesterone necessary for the sustenance of a healthy pregnancy. When taken within the follicular phase, the tea prepares the body for ovulation. Buy loose tea from companies such as Kent & Sussex Tea Company and take at least 2-3 cups daily from the first day of your cycle to achieve the best results.2. Nettle Leaf TeaLike with the red raspberry loose tea, nettle works as a uterine tonic to tone and strengthen the uterus. Nettle leaf tea is rich in calcium and magnesium and is said to detoxify the reproductive system to get rid of toxins responsible for harming fertility. Being a detox agent, when consumed regularly, it can boost the chances of the fertilisation of an egg, which can then be sustained to maturity.It is also loaded with vitamins (A, C, D, and K), calcium and iron. What’s more, nettle introduces a calming effect on the body, thereby reducing stress, which can have an impact on reproductive health. Drinking this tea when breastfeeding can boost lactation and increase milk supply.3. Green TeaStudies show that consuming several cups of green loose leaf tea can boost fertility in men and women. It is loaded with hypoxanthine and polyphenols, two ingredients capable of doubling the chances of conception. They do so by promoting the maturity of the egg and preparing the body for fertility.Rich in antioxidants, such as EGCG, this tea minimises the development of free radicals and prevents the damage of DNA in cells. It is also packed with L-theanine, which is good at regulating weight, supporting healthy insulin and reducing anxiety. The tea hydrates the body, boosting the amount of cervical mucus to help sperms to travel to the egg for fertilisation.4. Red CloverRed clover loose tea has for many years been used to support fertility. It is also popular among menopausal women, used to support their well being and overall health. Red clover is loaded with oestrogens, referred to as phytoestrogens. The mild oestrogen levels in the leaves boost fertility and create a regular menstrual cycle.This happens as a result of the rise of oestrogen levels, which enables follicles to get ready for ovulation. In relation to reproductive health, this tea contains other benefits, such as nutrients necessary for conception. It nourishes the body to create a healthy environment for conception. The leaves are packed with vitamin C, potassium, thiamine, niacin, phosphorus, calcium and chromium, minerals and vitamins, great at preparing the body for a healthy pregnancy.5. ChasteberryAlso known as vitex, a chaste berry is a natural herb that has for decades been used to boost fertility and treat hormonal imbalance. Primarily, the herb is known to aid in symptoms linked to the menstrual cycle, including mood swings, water retention, depression and weight gain, among others. In reproductive health, chaste berry optimises the levels of progesterone to get the body ready for conception.It does so by stimulating the luteinizing hormone (LH), whose duty is to promote ovulation. Note, once the LH levels rise, the levels of progesterone improve and ovulation is also promoted. For women on hormonal birth control, chaste berry tea can help in transitioning off it.It is also good at eliminating uterine cysts, endometriosis and fibroids, all of which can impact reproductive health negatively. Given that this herb boosts progesterone, it is good at preventing the occurrences of early miscarriage.If you are struggling with fertility issues, these are some of the teas you can try. While some of them are not scientifically proven to be effective, there are enough testimonials showing that they actually work and have beneficial plant compounds. Should you opt to buy loose tea, choose to purchase from credible sources, such as Kent & Sussex Tea Company. Share on: WhatsApp