SoftwareTechnologyHow To Defrag Windows 10?By pepnewz Posted on July 14, 20196 min read002,411Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Share on LinkedinHave you ever encountered the situation, where you are working on some important project and your system slows down?The only solution to this problem is to “defrag” the storage of your Windows 10. It is really important to defrag your hard disk over the period of time to ensure that no unnecessary files or software lies there in your system unattended making the performance of your system weak and slow.Here you will find the complete guide on how to “Defrag” Windows 10, but before that for those who have still not understood what defragmentation is, here is everything that you need to know about the same.What is Defragmentation?It is the process, where noncontiguous fragments of data of any file or software are located on your hard disk. Those fragments are then rearranged and restored into lesser fragments or into one complete file.The process helps in reducing the access time along with efficiently using the storage space. There are certain operating systems that undergo the process of defragmenting itself periodically, but for other systems, users need to intervene manually to run this specialized utility program in order to enhance and upgrade the performance of the existing operating system.How to Defrag Windows 10?Over the years, the systems have been made advanced and the tools like Windows optimization helps in detecting the storage types and automatically run the defragmentation system if required. However, the autorun system may not always be optimal and even after running the defragmentation program; the user may encounter the problems with the speed of the system.In such cases, it becomes really important to run this program manually to get over the problems related to the speed and performance of Windows 10.This guide will help you to understand the process of defragmentation to optimize the drives available on your operating system.Step 1: Open the optimizing tool by typing the “defrag” or “optimize” in the taskbar.Step 2: Now select the hard drive that you intend to defrag or optimize. You will now have to click on analyze. However, if you have SSD i.e. Solid State drive, then this option may not be available.Step 3: Once the analysis is done, check the percentage of fragmented files in the respective hard disk.SourceThere is no fixed percentage that will prompt you to defrag your system, however keeping fragmented files less than 5% may help you to enhance the performance of your operating system.Step 4: Now looking at the percentage of fragmented files, click on the optimize button to start the process. It is recommended to run this special utility program when you don’t need your system to do any other work, not only it will fasten the process but it will also help to optimize the files more efficiently.The time taken to complete the entire defragmentation process depends on the number and size of files present on your hard drive.Step 5: Once the process is done, the drive will show 0% defragment.Step 6: Congratulations!!! Your hard disk is fully optimized and is ready to function without slowing down the processes and hampering your work.How to Schedule the Optimization ProcessIn case, your windows undergo the optimization process at its own then you can always schedule the time of the process. Usually, the maintenance activities take place on a weekly basis, but depending on the load of work your operating system is taking, you can set the frequency of the same. All you need to do is to click on the change settings option in optimize drive, and change the frequency to daily, weekly or monthly as per your convenience.We hope that now you don’t need any external help to enhance the speed and performance of your operating system.