Home Peppy “Out-of-Power” – Plan Your Retirement

“Out-of-Power” – Plan Your Retirement

6 min read

Out of power politicians, actors, retired bureaucrats and policemen or even an ordinary employee, are avoided as if they have a serious communicable disorder. Their body language also changes.  Once the weaponry of office is taken away, they shrink. There is a famous quote – Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Retirement is also supposed to be the great escape from the stresses inherent in most jobs, a time to experience a fulfilling life derived from many enjoyable and rewarding activities.

Still, sometimes, I wake up early in the morning to realize that, it is not the usual day. I am retired. I don’t know how to spend the day. I pass some time with the newspaper, the rest watching TV and by attending marriage parties and memorial meetings on death in nears and dears.

I do go through the books in my library and write something for the newspapers – news as well as write-ups for Middles or post on my own domain – Didopost – which is now my digital diary.

The day is over and I am back on my bed to welcome another day of loneliness, loss, frustration, and grief”.

On someday, I don’t feel doing anything as if I don’t have any work or engagement or occasion to pass time. That day is definitely boring. Really this is life after retirement and Richard Amour has rightly quoted – Retired is being twice tired – I have first tired of working and then tired of not.

This period of retired life can be made fun and worth living to explore which could not explore during your service period. This is the right time to explore your hidden talents and fulfill your deepest desires to keep physically and mentally fit  – by doing some work to cope with the nagging worries – regular physical activity, the best way to be health, meeting friends to whom you have missed out of the important events, do a little gardening to become part of the vegetation environment even at home by looking after the plants in a pot, help the grand kids by sharing your experiences and even to build a healthy relationship, go on a holiday with your partner, participate in social works by joining the NGO as a volunteer, use your skills to earn if you need or teach someone to fill someone’s pocket in need and finally do pen them even if you are not a celebrity to the world but life must have taught something, to share with the next generation to gain from your knowledge.

An out-of-power person becomes like a non-functional machine for which there are no spare parts and almost every city is full of these power widows.

Frankly speaking, I don’t forget a story in a lighter way of – ‘out-of-chair’ but still holds the authority – told to me four decades back that Once a Marasi – village Wit – was bowing before the thanedar’s chair. The thana munshi told him that the chair was empty, as the thanedar was not sitting there. The Marasi told him that it is the chair that lends authority to a thanedar. He told the munshi that you put an ass on the chair and he will start roaring like a lion.

Some people are lucky enough to get a chance to lead a retired life. Retirement is a phase when you have plenty of time to do what you earlier wished to. Life after retirement is a golden opportunity for some who have planned it well. Your pre retirement income and your earlier savings determine your retirement life when you are ‘out-of-power’.

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