PeppyParenting Tips To Be Followed When Your Kids Scored Low MarksBy pepnewz Posted on February 27, 20183 min read003,838Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Share on LinkedinWhen your child brings home that reports card showing grades that are less than average, sometimes it is difficult to understand what to do. No matter the reason that your child is dealing with bad grades, here are some tips for parents that will help you work with your child to improve their grades.Encourage Your ChildSourcePraise your child whenever he does something well. Children who are afraid of failing are more likely to make mistakes. If they will feel good about themselves, they will do their best.Make A Comfortable Place For Studying At HomeSourceMake a separate room in your house where your child can ruminate on his studies apart from the clamor of television or any other disturbance. This will help your child to improve his concentration power.Discuss With His Class TeacherSourceIf you think that your child is having some problems in particular areas, discuss it with his class teacher to work in those areas. Parents and teachers should work together to improve his understandings.A Well- Balanced DietSourceA healthy body leads to a healthy and active mind. Make sure your child is eating properly and having a well-balanced diet.Crown Positive PerformanceSourceA good rewards system can motivate your child to do better. When your child performs well in school, make sure that you reward them.Figure Out Their Mode Of LearningSourceAll kids don’t learn in the same way. Some kids learn by listening, some by watching, while others learn in a hands-on manner. So, figure out their learning style to help them improve their grades.Impart Them Organizational SkillsSourceSimple time management and organizational skills can really make a huge difference in your kid’s schoolwork. You can set timetables for all study at home and help them in effective learning. However, the timetable must have set intervals for refreshments and playtime.Pursue these simple yet helpful tips to make your child improve his grades.