HealthLifestylePeppyEffective Ways To Keep You Away From Stressing About StressBy Shrestha Dasmunshi Posted on September 21, 20174 min read002,508Share on FacebookShare on TwitterShare on Google+Share on LinkedinAccording to Oxford, the word Stress means a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress is like that friend who annoys you the most but you feel incomplete without them. So basically stress has both pros and cons. It totally depends upon you how you deal with it.Here are few things that you can do when stressed1. GET YOUR BODY MOVINGSourceDance, workout at the gym, practice yoga, or go for a run. By moving your body, you are not only becoming more active and fresh but are increasing the blood flow to your brain and melting away stress from your mind and body.Too lazy for the gym? Then here’s plan B2. USE LAUGHTER TO REDUCE STRESSSourceHave you ever heard the old saying, “Laughter is the best medicine?” As it turns out, Researchers and Doctors alike are of the view that there is a great amount of truth to this age-old saying, at least when it comes to stress relief.When a person laughs, it kindles and lightens up the body. In fact, laughter is sometimes referred to as the nonexhaustive way to exercise.Laughing alone sounds weird!! Here presenting plan C3. CALL A FRIENDSourceTake a break from all those stressful deeds to call a close friend and have a heart to heart. Functional and healthy relationships with friends and loved ones are important to any healthy lifestyle, and they’re especially needed when you’re under a lot of stress. A reassuring voice can do a great job of putting things in perspective.Are your friends are too busy to pick your call..!? let’s move to plan D4. TALK TO YOUR SELFSourceSometimes calling a friend may not feel like the solution. Talking calmly to yourself or rather, quiet introspection can be the next best thing. Don’t worry about looking crazy — just think as to why you are stressed, what can be a way out of it and how to go about achieving it.If this does not work, I have in store the best plan for you…a plan which can never fail..drum rolls for plan E Please…5. HAVE A GOOD SLEEPSourceStress is the enemy of a good night’s sleep. And as it turns out, the reverse is equally true. So turn on the TV, switch off the lights, and give yourself time to relax. It is actually the most effective and successful stress buster.